To protect the privacy of our customers is mandatory for our company. We have taken all possible steps to make our website safe from any malicious factors to ensure that customer safety. Further information submitted by the customer on the website is never used for any wrong purposes. We do use the information to make the order as efficient as possible. Online ordering is a trend, as well as this process, is exposed to various malicious intents e make sure the security of the ordering procedure by various means. The information given by the customer is protected online as well as offline through multiple firewalls.

Collection of information

Orchard packaging collects various information provided by the consumers for the packaging procedure. To order from the orchard packaging, consumers get registered on our website. During registration, the user puts incomplete information (ID, name, phone number, address, gender, and so on). This provided information is used to contact the customers, track orders, and make sure that the packages are delivered in time.

When customers place an order we get their financial information, credit card number, and expiration date. This information is essential to confirm an order authorization and make sure the smooth transactions of money. Cookies are used by the orchard packaging to keep track of the websites, data, and operating systems of the consumer. We keep track of the IP address of the customers and their visits to our website are further monitored by the software.

Use of customers’ information

All the information provided by the customers is used by orchard packaging in making sure that the packaging of the product is done with utmost care. The information is primarily utilized to give contact customers in case of any difficulty. Further, the information on the diversity of consumers and their interests gives us an insight into the demand value of our products and how can we make our services more efficient. For example, the address or location of the customer gives us information about the regional demand of our products as what is the trend of a specific region.

IP address helps us in locating the customers and the operating system information helps us in making our website stronger. All these aspects in return are used to help our customers keep their information secure and avoid any malicious content as well as deliver the packages that are up to date according to the market demand.

Information on updates and discounts

Our customers are kept updated with the latest information through news tellers of the company. We keep our consumers updated about the latest changes in the terms and conditions of the company, any recent discounts, and so on. This information regarding the latest trends in the packaging also gives the customers insight on what is in demand and how they can update their product packaging. Further Orchard packaging offers special discounts and coupons to their members and they can avail these offers easily.

Information security and protection

We take the safety of the information of our customers very seriously and to ensure it we take a number of actions and those actions are following;

Firstly the account registered by the customer is in their full control. The password used by the customer is kept hidden and only known to the account owner and our website protects the password very seriously. This website-protected password cannot be reached by a third party unless the information is given by the customer itself. So use a strong password and do not share with others. The account contains the credit card details, personal information, and many other things so added information is encrypted through the best soft wares present in the business.

All the sensitive information provided by customers is further restricted to the officials and by no account, it is sold out to anyone or used with malicious intent. As all the sensitive information is totally restricted to the official team, so this team is selected carefully. To appoint an official, we do an extensive background check of each and every individual to ensure security and safety.

We also check the authenticity of the information provided by the customers to ensure that the individual is real and thus avoid any harmful incident. This track of account address also gives our team time to follow any shady activity.

Orchard packaging is a leading market brand and we work to make progressive decisions and so we keep our servers, policies, and terms up to date. Our customers are kept updated with those changes.